Musicians What is Riffer Music? How does Riffer Music work? Who is Riffer Music for? How Can I Register? How much does it cost?
Event Organizers What is Riffer Music? How does Riffer Music work? Who is Riffer Music for? How Can I register? How much does it cost?
Payments How payments work What is Stripe Are The Payments Secure? Which Countries Are Supported? What is the Official Currency?
Account How to Manage the Calendar Messaging Account Verification How Can I Delete My Account? How to Delete a Listing
Bookings How to book someone on Riffer Music How Do I Manage My Bookings? Secure Booking Window Cancellation Policy Musician’s Cancellation
Charity How can I get involved as a Musician? Partnership with Musicians On Call How can I join Musicians On Call? What is Musicians On Call? How do I receive my Badge?
Concert Organization Music License Who Provides The Equipment? How can I create or apply for a custom offer as a Musician? How can I create a custom offer as an Event Manager?
Community What are the rules? What is the purpose of the Community? How can I create a custom offer as an Event Manager? How can I create or apply for a custom offer as a Musician? Can I sell musical instruments?
Music Teachers / Students What is Riffer Music? How does Riffer Music work? How can I register as a Music Teacher? How can I register as a Student or Music School? How to book someone on Riffer Music